At last the 3rd-8th grade garden beds are getting planted! Hurray, it looks great! And good news...we are close to having water over there, if we don't already.
Many of the garden plans are moving right along in a positive way. We are working towards our shade structure goal, working on a plan to present to the school district. It is also important for us to get a good, workable system set up in each area for more efficient otherwords, we want everything to be where it should be...watering cans, trowels etc. Many of us have made that long trek across the blacktop just to realize we forgot the water key...
Hopefully, after the Thanksgiving break we will have some workshops listed for Teachers and Garden Liaisons to help everyone figure out how gardening is actually going to integrate into daily classroom activities. We are actively looking into great garden curriculum, lesson plan ideas for all ages and are hoping to find knowledgable folks to come in to work with all of us...teachers, kids everyone! We are very fortunate to have a Master Gardener (soon to graduate from the program) assigned to our school. She is a retired Teacher and Principal from Bay Park Elementary. She was and still is very active in the school gardens they have. You can read a bit about it here. She has so much knowledge and will be working closely with us in the future.
Next week a few of the Garden Liaisons and volunteers will be tending and watering our gardens, tree, vines, planter boxes etc. We are hoping that over the next break in December we will have even more help in this area from our SDCCS families! Keep the garden in mind as a volunteer/hours option.
Have a great holiday with your families everyone. We are thankful for our wonderful SDCCS community!
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